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Safarni season in Manshiet Nasser
Throwback to Safarni summer season in Manshiet Nasser in partnership with جمعية حماية البيئة / APE Mokattam 💚
ذكريات من موسم صيف سفرني الصيفي في منشية ناصر بالشراكة مع جمعية حماية البيئة / APE Mokattam 💚
Video Credit : Abdulrahman Boubashah

Living Together in Ard Ellewa: Nasri & Hussein
It all begins with an idea.
Friendship is universal! Ahmed & Nasri became friends in the IOM Living Together (SAWA) Project to cultivate social cohesion between migrant and host communities in Ard Ellewa, Cairo.

شارك الصداقة
Share, comment, and like this video, and a donation will go to Safarni to promote social cohesion between migrants and Egyptians in Ard El Lewa, Cairo.
Special thanks to Bushra.
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Safarni Talk: Madeleine Logan
It all begins with an idea.
Madeleine Logan, Rotary Peace Fellow studying at ICU Japan, explains her current research on Safarni's impact.